Friday, September 16, 2011

State of the Blogosphere Survey

It's that time again, Technorati is conducting their annual State of the Blogsphere survey.

"Technorati's State of the Blogosphere series chronicles the rise and evolution of the Blogosphere as we know it. Since 2004 we've seen explosive growth and maturing of this new arm of the fourth estate" (Technorati, 9/16/11).
I do read the State of the Blogosphere reports, but haven't used Technorati for some time; one other Library Cloud post is labeled Technorati, it presents the 2010 State of the Blogsphere reported by Tech Crunch. If you are a blogger and interested in participating in the 2011 survey, here's the information (in part) from the Library Cloud inbox this morning. 

"We'd love for you to share some information about blogging as your passion or your profession, that we can then share back with you, the bloggers, and everyone who is interested in you. It should take just 15 minutes of your time. The more responses we get the better the data we can deliver to you, so please share this link with other bloggers."


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