Friday, July 25, 2014

Weekly Reader

5 Tips for Librarians Using Web Metrics
"The library and information community have often been at the forefront of adopting new web technologies, but generally less thought is given to measuring how these technologies are being used. An annual report may mention the number of followers the library's Twitter account has accumulated, or the number of article downloads from its institutional repository, but such a light-touch approach to web metrics neither recognizes its full potential nor acknowledges its limitations." -- Ed Patrick, CILIP, 7/15/14

A Liaison for a Classroom Building? Curating a Learning ecosystem.
"It is very common for librarians to serve as liaisons to academic departments. They teach classes, purchase materials, answer reference questions, assist with research endeavors, and generally get involved with the odds-and-ends of those units. Some librarians also liaise with defined user communities such as first-year students, international students, or students associated with particular residence halls."-- Brian Matthews, The Ubiquitous Librarian, 7/17/14

6 Tips for Managing your Professional Online Profile
"Professional online profiles are part of the toolkit of everyday life. You may have one (or more) and your services users may have one too. Here are six tips distilled from Matt Holland’s experience of creating and maintaining a number of profiles over time." -- Cat Cooper, CILIP, 7/22/14

Conflict in Academe
"All workplaces entail conflicts, of varying scales and of varying levels of importance or unimportance. One significant factor in the quality of our work lives is not so much whether conflict exists, but how it is handled within our departments and institutions. There are some situations in which we can merely avoid conflict, and it is by far the more prudent course of action to do so. Conflicts of any variety should not be courted, nor pursued unnecessarily." -- Nate Kreute, Tyro Tracts | Insider Higer Ed, 7/23/14

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