Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekly reader wrap-up

After a week of ignoring my reader, I was through the "S's" before the all items number dipped below 1000+, I was determined to work through the backlog without deleting everything and beginning again. By-passing all of the Pittsburgh Steelers going to the Super Bowl and NHL All-Star game related feeds, I did a fair bit of cherry-picking on various topics and submit the following for a beginning of the weekly reader wrap-up:

Tweet Success, How to Dominate Twitter
"In the Twitter hierarchy more followers typically means more clout, but that’s not the only measure of success. Sometimes having a conversation with your followers can mean more than the actual number of followers you have according to, a company that measures Internet influence." -- ABC News on Campus, Danielle Waugh, 1/27/11

The History of Social Networking [infographic]
"Being connected to the world around us has never been more easy and accessible than it it today. But it didn't start out that way. After the Internet made it possible to reach people around the Globe with merely a click of a button, social networking exploded into one of the biggest industries of our time." -- Boris, The Next Web, 1/31/11

Will Google Take Any Higher Ed Risks?
"This is definitely progress for Google, but only a first step. The 20 apps seem to have limited utility and reach in higher ed. Whatever the Blackboard Google app turns out to be could be interesting (integration with Google Docs? single sign-on?), but we will have to wait-and-see." -- Technology and Learning, Joshua Kim, 1/25/11

Video Uses Student Voices to Explore New Directions in Education
"Michael Wesch, an associate professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University, began “The Visions of Students Tomorrow” on January 18. It is a new video-collaboration project that he hopes will help generate a conversation about the “media-ated life” of many students. He wants not only to gain insights into how students interact with their dense and ever-changing media environment, but also to tackle the question of whether instructors have kept pace with it." -- Wired Campus, Tushar Rae, 1/26/11

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cyber Zed Shed!

I'm excited to announce that fellow blogger Sara Klink and I were accepted to present a Cyber Zed Shed session at the 2011 ACRL National Conference in Philadelphia, March 30th - April 1st.

"Congratulations! Your Cyber Zed Shed proposal, "To the Cloud! Exploring Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning," has been selected for presentation at ACRL 2011 in Philadelphia, March 30 – April 2, 2011."

The Speaker Service Center lists our session, CZS - To the Cloud! Exploring Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning on Thursday, March 31, 2011 8:25 AM - 8:45 AM (Room 201A):

"For academic libraries, the question is no longer if emerging technologies are necessary, but how to locate, evaluate and integrate quality resources in the most effective way. Working within the cloud, librarians are free to explore a wide range of software and applications easily incorporated into teaching and learning. From Animoto to Voki, this session will present a selection of applications perfect for LibGuides, course management systems, and a variety of other 2.0 applications."

ACRL will be incorporating Twitter for the conference - their official Twitter tag is #acrl2011 - and early this week contacted presenters about selecting a hash tag for their sessions. We pick the tag, a "Twitter moderator will be assigned to our session," and the tag will be published in the program and online. Not a tweeter, it took some time to fully grasp the hash tag concept (though it appears to be similar to cloud tags, blog tags, and other social media tagging). Several fast and furious emails later we decided to submit #LibCloudTools for our session; we hope it incorporates a bit of the session title and what we plan to discuss (and apologize it is a bit long). Of course, it also raises the question, how will I follow any conversation pertaining to our session if I don't have a Twitter account?

As of yesterday, I have a Twitter account @dschrecker.

In no time at all I registered, posted one exciting tweet, and spent my lunch hour contentedly trying out / trying on design templates. Since then I have changed my mind more than once; the most recent time a few minutes ago and, after electing to follow the eTech Ohio Twitter feed, had my first message. It remains to be seen if this is a technology I will adopt or use only for the ACRL session.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

another QR Code post

We have a new digital signage system on the library main floor that allows us to create informational slides highlighting library services and events. Mounted on the wall near the library exit, it is viewable from most of the main floor, most importantly the circulation and reserves desk. I've posted images of the library (on a sunny, blue sky day), a simple floor directory, the weather (it's a changing feed), and a few slides for other offices located in the library. In an effort to generate some interest, I went to the Kaywa QR Code Generator, entered the library web site URL, and created as sign for the rotation.

Now we need someone with a web-enabled phone and bar code app to try out the QR code!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2011 ALAO Conference

A quick note to all ALAO members, change the 2011 ALAO Annual Conference date on your calendar!

Stay up-to-date with the latest ALAO news and information on the ALAO web site, blog, newsletter, and Facebook page.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weekly Reader wrap-up

Another week, another reader wrap-up ... more to come next week including ruminations on the necessity of revisions and edits on published LibGuides, options for IRC handbook updates, and the thrill of being accepted (with fellow Library Cloud contributor Sara) to present a Cyber Zed Shed session at ACRL this spring. But for today, here are a few posts of interest from earlier this week (sans bullets for a change).

So, Students Don't Learn -- Now What?
"The book and its corresponding report document the findings of research that followed 2,300 undergraduates through four years of college, at 24 unidentified but academically representative institutions, to measure progress in their critical thinking and analytic reasoning skills. The measurement tool was the Collegiate Learning Assessment, which the students took during their freshman, sophomore and senior years." -- Allie Grasgreen, Inside Higher Ed, 1/19/11

The Social Side of the Internet
"The internet is now deeply embedded in group and organizational life in America. A new national survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project has found that 75% of all American adults are active in some kind of voluntary group or organization and internet users are more likely than others to be active: 80% of internet users participate in groups, compared with 56% of non-internet users." --Lee Rainie, Kristen Purcell, Aaron Smith, Pew Internet, 1/18/11

Student Views on Technology and Teaching
"Today was one of those days that us educators live for. A recent graduate, Lucretia Witte (who is now teaching 6th graders in Bridgeport CT for Teach for America), came back to campus to lead a session entitled "Student Views on Technology and Teaching" at our Center for the Advancement of Learning (DCAL)." -- Joshua Kin, Technology and Learning, 1/18/11

Service Lets Scholars Check Their Own Work for Potential Plagiarism
"Using iThenticate, a plagiarism-detection software created by the California-based company iParadigms, authors and researchers can now vet their work before submitting it for publication. The service, which previously was available only to publishers, costs $50 for each manuscript up to 25,000 words, with up to five resubmissions of a paper allowed." --Ben Wieder, Wired Campus, 1/18/11

As Wikipedia Turns 10, It Focuses on Ways to Improve Student Learning"
As Wikipedia hits its 10th year of operation, it is making efforts to involve academics more closely in its process. The latest is a new plan to build an “open educational resource platform” that will gather tools about teaching with Wikipedia in the classroom." -- Tushar Rae, Wired Campus, 1/14/11

2011 Notable Children's Books
"Many people viewed the blog post earlier this month which listed the titles discussed as possible Notable Children’s Books for 2011. From the ALA ALSC page, here is a complete list of the 2011 Notable Children’s Books. Congratulations to all the authors and illustrators!" -- Mary Voors, ALSC Blogs, 1/20/11

A Slam Poem for Freshman
"Is there any speech more obnoxious than the forensic that turns every declarative into an interrogative?" -- Mark Bauerline, Brainstorm/The Chronicle, 1/20/11

Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Weekly Reader Wrap-Up

Welcome back! Discussion in the IRC late this afternoon centered upon excitement generated by the upcoming three-day weekend and general glee for surviving the first week of the "spring" 2011 term. First weeks are always periods of transition and adjustment; new schedules, new classes, new responsibilities and cold weather (inside and outside the library) exist companionably with the excitement generated by being back on campus.

I've spent a considerable amount of time skimming through my feeds; a general moratorium on technology over the holiday break was restful, but resulted in a significant backlog of reading. Much of what I read was "old news" - so to speak. As a result, my reader highlights from this week are somewhat limited in number. Let the spring term begin!

  • ALA Midwinter 2011: Top Tech Trends Focus on Econtent, the Device Divide, and New IT Needs
    "The Top Technology Trends (TTT) moderated discussion at ALA Midwinter 2011, held by the ALA's Library & Information Technology Association (LITA), was a somewhat subdued but thoughtful affair—focusing mainly on the uses of econtent and less on gadgets than the last TTT panel at ALA's 2010 annual conference." -- David Rapp, Library Journal, 1/13/11

  • ACRL 2011 Video Contest Deadline Jan. 21!
    "The Jan. 21 deadline for the ACRL 2011 video contest is fast approaching! We’re looking for videos about why people should come to ACRL 2011 in Philadelphia, March 30 – April 2, 2011. After all, no one can convince people like their colleagues." --Margot Conahan, ACRL Insider, 1/13/11

  • Suttin Hella Koo, Y’all: Regional Dialects Thrive on Twitter
    "When people wanted to study language, they used to have two options. They could use a computer to analyze a large body of formal writing, like newspapers. Or they could go out and interview a bunch of people." -- Marc Perry, Chronicle of Higher Education, 1/13/11

  • Wikipedia, Past and Present
    "Wikipedia, the “multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia project,” was created in 2001 and celebrates its tenth anniversary on January 15, 2011. The percentage of all American adults who use Wikipedia to look for information has increased from 25% in February 2007 to 42% in May 2010. This translates to 53% of adult internet users." --Kathryn Zucker and Lee Raine, Pew Internet Report: Web 2.0, 1/13/11

  • SlideShare Zeitgeist for 2010: The World of Presentations
    Rashmi Sinha, SlideShare Blog, 12/30/10

    SlideShare Zeitgeist 2010

    View more presentations from Rashmi Sinha.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

ALAO Research Grant Applications

The Academic Library Association of Ohio's (ALAO) Research and Publications Committee (RPC) is currently accepting applications for the 2011 ALAO Research Applications Grant.

"The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) seeks to promote research, and each year the ALAO Executive Board may award up to $500.00 to support and encourage research projects proposed by ALAO members. Both ongoing and new research projects are considered. Grants are intended to help in funding such incremental research costs as the organization of data, the hiring of interviewers or other assistants, charges for computer time, and modest travel costs associated with research. Grants may not be used for purchase of equipment. Grants are limited to investigations related to issues in libraries, librarianship, and information science and technology." -- ALAO, RPC Research Grant

The deadline for grant application materials is January 31, 2011. Please note, applicants must be current ALAO members to qualify for this grant. For additional information regarding this grant, visit the ALAO Research Grant Application web page.

Please send completed application materials to Mark Eddy, Chair of the Research & Publications Committee: mark.eddy(at)