Monday, March 31, 2014

Pinterest, CMCIG workshop & Tellagami

I continue to curate - and create - information for my CMCIG Pinterest presentation on Friday; the session board is starting to take shape. Pinstamatic continues to be one of my 'go-to' resources for pinning unwieldy sites without requisite size pinnable images and for creating calendar reminders and simple maps for the workshop time and location.

Follow Diane Schrecker's board ALAO: CMCIG Workshop on Pinterest.

The IRC Pinterest site is updated weekly and will be ready for discussion. New additions include photos highlighting new IRC floor moves (collection reorganization) complete with links to blog posts, new materials kits, and ... probably one or two new Gami's. They will work nicely with the current Voki board to highlight various IRC collections.

Visit IRC @ Ashland University Library's profile on Pinterest.

The 30 second thirty-second time limit for Gami audio makes creating a script challenging, but it also makes the final result on-topic and to the point. When the thirty seconds recording time is over, the Gami recorder automatically stops and processes the audio. It took several revisions and edits to add pertinent information about the session to the second version without simply speaking faster. Here's the second (longer) version for the CMCIG workshop.

All of the completed session Gami's are available on my YouTube  CMCIG playlist.

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